Meet Me

Hey, I'm Kanan

I am a enthusiastic traveling photographer who loves to take photos in new ways! I have been taking photos for as long as I can remember. From disposable cameras to the first flip phones with cameras, to smart phones to my DSLR's. Photography started as a passion for me and has remained to this day. The aspect that you can take a picture and it will last forever is an intriguing concept.

​My photography ranges and I can't identify to a single group like Landscape or portrait, because I love it all. I have done street art to prom photos, if there is an interesting photo to be taken I am there.

​My hobbies and skills don't just stop at photography but also extend to videography. I love capturing moments in short clips while doing various sports such as skiing, sailing, swimming, hiking, biking, and driving. I am working my way into aerial videography and loving every second of it. I have an outdoor adventure rig to bring me as close to nature as possible while being able to survive the countless hours or rocky roads and pavement to get me there.